Documentación varia
1791 - 1806
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia y documentación varia:
Del barón de Carondelet. De Gayoso de Lemos. De varias personas. Padrones, instrucciones, bandos, memoriales, inventario del archivo de Iberville, etc.
Legajo 2365. 1797-1798. Luisiana española. Miscelánea. A, 7.5 cm., 156 documents. The documents cover the two years indicated, and are arranged in chronological order. The legajo contains the following letters: 1797, Barón de Carondelet, Nueva Orleans, to Vicente Folch (drafts); Barón de Carondelet to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos; Barón de Carondelet to Príncipe de la Paz, nº 93 (draft); Barón de Carondelet to Pedro Olivier; Carlos Dehault Delassus, Nuevo Madrid, to Barón de Carondelet; Vicente Folch, Panzacola, to Barón de Carondelet; Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, Natchez, to Barón de Carondelet; Manuel Gayoso de Lemos to Carlos Howard; Manuel Gayoso de Lemos to Pedro Olivier; 1797-1798, Luis Lorimier, Cap Girardeau, to Carlos Dehault Delassus; Luis Lorimier to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos; Zenón Trudeau, San Luis, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, nos. 293, 316, 28; 1798, Pierre Delassus Deluzieres, Nueva Borbón, to Zenón Trudeau; Andrés Ellicott, Natchez, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos; Vicente Folch, Panzacola, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, nos. 71, 74; Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, Nueva Orleans, to Marqués de Branciforte; Manuel Gayoso de Lemos to Zacarías Cox; Manuel Gayoso de Lemos to Vicente Folch; Manuel Gayoso de Lemos to Juan Ventura Morales (drafts); Manuel Gayoso de Lemos to Francisco de Saavedra, reservada nº 1 (draft; see legajo 179); Manuel Gayoso de Lemos to Zenón Trudeau; Jaime MacKay, Nueva Orleans, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos; Juan Ventura Morales, Nueva Orleans, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos; Manuel Pérez, San Luis, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos; José Vidal, Natchez, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos (many). Subjects treated in the letters: 1797, evacuation of Nogales; arrival of Andrés Ellicott at Natchez; indian gifts; defense of the province; suspension of the demarcation of limits; arrival of capt. 1. Guión at Nuevo Madrid; senador Blount, his expulsion from the senate; description of cabo Girardeau; robberies committed by the osages; 1798, evacuation of Nogales; demarcation of limits; manner of handling the indians; outrages committed by the osages; advisability of the suppression of indian gifts; defense of San Luis; movements of the american troops in the Natchez district; arrival of general Wilkinson with troops at Natchez; defense and conservation of the province. Documents other than letters: 1797, instructions to the captain stationed at San Carlos de Barrancas; inventory of the archives at Iberville; instructions for the distribution of presents to the chickasaws, issued to Rafael Croquer; memorial of the inhabitants of San Luis protesting their fidelity to the king; proclamation of Carondelet regarding the suspension of evacuation; instructions for the defense and securing the tranquillity of the province; memorial of Luis Lorimier giving in detail his services; certificate of services of Carlos Howard; censuses of Nuevo Madrid, Nueva Borbón, and (1798) Arkansas; 1798, description of the settlements in spanish Illinois; instructions for admitting new settlers, by Gayoso de Lemos; memorials of Benito Vázquez requesting permission to trade with the kance indians; list of supplies furnished to the indians at cabo Girardeau. Some of these documents have been copied for Houck, and appear in his Spanish Régime in Missouri. Listed