Entrevista a Carl Marzani, veterano del Batallón Lincoln.
Unidad Documental Simple
Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica
Proyecto de historia oral de John Gerassi sobre veteranos y veteranas estadounidenses y canadienses en la Guerra Civil Española
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Original custodiado en The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives (Nueva York).
En el Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica existe 1 copia en casetes (cintas audio 251-255) La transcripción de la entrevista se conserva en The Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives.
Obras de autor:
The Survivor: A Novel. New York City: Cameron Associates, 1958.
Wounded Earth. Addison Wesley, 1972.
Towards Eurocapitalism (article), In These Times, 12 December 1976.
The Promise of Eurocommunism. Lawrence Hill, 1981.
The Education of a Reluctant Radical,. Vols.1-4. New York: Topical Books, 1992-1995.
Bibliografía relacionada:
Guttenplan, D.D., American Radical: The Life and Times of I. F. Stone. Northwestern University Press, 2012, p.223.
Brigades Internationales: Auguste LecSur, Leslie Kish, André Marty, Brigade Abraham Lincoln Members, Norman Bethune, Spartaco Guisco, Carlo Rosselli. ABC Books, 2010.
Ottanelli, Fraser, Radicalism and the Shaping of
Ethnic Identity:Italian American Anti-Fascist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, Journal of American Ethnic History, Fall 2007, Vol. 27, Number 1, pp. 9-31.
Cannistraro, Philip V. y Meyer, Gerald, The lost world of Italian American radicalism. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003.
Romerstein, Herbert y Breindel, Eric, The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors. Regnery, 2001.
Haynes, John Earl and Klehr, Harvey, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, Yale University Press, 1999.
Nelson, Cary y Hendricks, Jefferson (eds.), Madrid, 1937: letters of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade from the Spanish Civil War. New York, Routledge, 1996.
Kalugin, Oleg y Montaigne, Fen, The First Directorate: My 32 Years in Intelligence and Espionage Against the West New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
Gettleman, Marvin E, Review of Vivian Gornick, The romance of American communism. The American Historical Review, December 1978, 83 (5):1360-1361.
Budenz, Louis, Men Without Faces: The Communist Conspiracy in the USA. Harper and Row, 1948.