Correspondencia del gobernador de Luisiana Bernardo de Gálvez


Titulo Nombre Atribuido:

Correspondencia del gobernador de Luisiana Bernardo de Gálvez



Fecha Formación:

1770  -  1788

Nivel de Descripción:

Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación

Código de Referencia:


Situación en el cuadro de clasificación del archivo


Historia Archivística:

Nombre de otros agentes relacionados:

Gálvez, Bernardo de (1746-1786) - Autor

Contenido y Estructura

Alcance y Contenido:

Correspondencia del Gobernador de Luisiana y Florida Occidental, Bernardo de Gálvez.
Legajo 1 1775-1779. Correspondencia del Sr. Gálvez, desde su toma de posesión, a todas las autoridades y sus dependencias de la isla de Cuba, hasta su arribo al Virreinato de Nueva España. B, 23 cm., 700 letters. There are only a few documents for 1775, and none for 1776. All the months of the remaining years are represented. Within the legajo the miscellaneous correspondence of Gálvez is arranged in small bundles for each month and the letters of Navarro to Gálvez are in two packets, one each for the years 1778 and 1779.
The legajo contains:
(a) Letters directed to Bernardo de Gálvez, governor of Luisiana, together with the drafts of his replies, from José Biriones, San Juan; Francisco de Cartabona, Santa Genoveva; Francisco Cruzat, San Luis; José de Ezpeleta, Mobila; Luis Ferrazas, Nueva Orleans; Fernando Leyba, San Luis; Diego José Navarro, Habana; Martín Navarro, Nueva Orleans; José de la Peña, San Juan; José Petely, Baliza ; Pedro Piernas, Nueva Orleans; Fermin de Rada, Nueva Orleans; and Francisco Vallée, Santa Genoveva. (b) Letters of Gálvez to José Biriones, Francisco Collell, Francisco Cruzat, Carlos de Grand Pré (many), Fernando Leyba, Atanasio Mézières, and Baltasar de Villiers.

Subjects treated: The papers of 1775 relate to a case against Nicolás, chef de Natchitoches. The letters of the commandants of the various posts of the province deal mainly with routine affairs. Among others the following were noted: 1777, affairs at San Luis and Santa Genoveva; cultivation of hemp and flax; possible attack on the province by the english; Bouligny affair (mar.); 1778, report on wheat, hides, and lead produced in the jurisdiction of San Luis; taking possession of Illinois by G.R.Clark; copy of the will of Mr. Laclede of San Luis with list and valuation of his property; 1779, lists of vessels entering and departing from the Mississippi; petition of the french inhabitants living east of the Mississippi; naval affairs; and movements of the americans. The letters of Diego Navarro deal mainly with military affairs. Many of them are nothing more than notes transmitting royal orders. Among the more important of this series are letters dealing with relations with America, England, and France; progress of the war; expeditions against the english posts on the Mississippi and Mobila rivers; and the plan of the conquest of Mobila

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Índices de Descripción:

Gálvez, Bernardo de (1746-1786)


Instrumentos de Descripción:


Documentación Asociada

Existencia y Localización de las Copias:

Microfilm SRD, ED 143. Consulta directa en sala del AGI. Copia digital a partir del microfilm.


Microfilmado unidad microfilmada

Soporte y Volumen

1 Legajo(s) .