Correspondencia del Gobernador de Luisiana


Titulo Nombre Atribuido:

Correspondencia del Gobernador de Luisiana



Fecha Formación:

1792  -  1800

Nivel de Descripción:

Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación

Código de Referencia:


Situación en el cuadro de clasificación del archivo


Historia Archivística:

Contenido y Estructura

Alcance y Contenido:

Correspondencia del Gobernador de Luisiana y Florida Occidental, Barón de Carondelet.
Legajo 24. 1797. Correspondencia con el Barón de Carondelet a las autoridades a sus ordenes. B, 24 cm., 700 letters. The correspondence covers the years 1790 and 1797. The latter occupies about two-thirds of the legajo, the major part being for the first six months. The legajo is unorganized and about 100 letters are badly damaged by the polilla. The legajo contains:
(a) Original letters or signed drafts and rough drafts of Barón de Carondelet, governor of Luisiana, to his subordinates, as follows: François Allain, Manuel Andry, Elias Beauregard, José Corail, Carlos Deblanc, Carlos Dehault Delassus, Juan Delavillebeuvre, Guillermo Duparc, Martín Duralde, Pedro Favrot, Vicente Fernandez Texeiro, Jean Filhiol, Vicente Folch, Manuel Gayoso de Lemos (many), Francisco de Paula Gelabert, Carlos de Grand Pré, Carlos Howard, Diego Lasaga, Juan Ventura Morales, Pedro Olivier, Tomás Portell, Joaquín de la Torre, Félix Trudeau, Zenón Trudeau, José Vázquez Vahamonde, Diego de Vegas, Carlos de Vilemont, Marcos de Villiers, Pierre Voisin, James Wilkinson. (b) To Carondelet from Pedro Favrot, Placaminas, and Juan Ventura Morales, Nueva Orleans. Subjects treated: 1796, treaty with the United States dealing with boundary question; evacuation of the post at Confederation; measures taken against the americans at Natchez; projected attack on San Fernando by the inhabitants of Cumberland; indian relations, gifts; instructions for trade with indian nations; general Collot; Agusto de Lachaisse; declaration of war against England; 1797, projects of the english against upper Luisiana; notices regarding the american commissioners and troops at Natchez; proclamation of Carondelet, in french, suspending the evacuation of Natchez and Nogales (may 31) ; Barón de Bastrop and his projects; and instructions to be observed in case of an alarm or attack at Nueva Orleans, issued by Carondelet in 1795, 1796, and 1797

Documentación Asociada

Existencia y Localización de las Copias:

Microfilm SRD, ED 143. Consulta directa en sala del AGI. Copia digital a partir del microfilm.


Microfilmado unidad microfilmada

Soporte y Volumen

1 Legajo(s) .