Correspondencia de los comandantes de Arkanssas
1766 - 1785
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Legajo 107. 1768-1785. Correspondencia del Comandante del Fuerte de Arcansas al Gobernador de la Luisiana. B, 22 cm., 500 letters. The letters of this legajo are scattered through the years 1766-1775, 1778-1779, 1781, 1783-1785, many of which have only a very few documents. On the whole the legajo is badly disorganized, though usually the letters for each year are together and in some cases those of one individual for a year are in a folder with the year and name of commandant endorsed thereon. The legajo is mainly made up of letters addressed to the governors of Luisiana by the conmandants of the post at Arkansas, Declouet, F.Desmaselliere, José Orieta, Fernando Leyba, and Jacobo Dubreuil. There are also letters of: 1767, St. Ange, San Luis, to governor of Luisiana (french); 1768, Declouet to [Philip] Aubry (in french); 1779, Juan Delavillebeuvre to Bernardo de Gálvez; 1781, B. de Gálvez, Nueva Orleans, to Enrique Grimarest; and 1781, Carlos de Grand Pré (Point Coupée ?) to Gálvez. Important items: Reports on the condition of the posts and the inhabitants; census of indians; lists of indian presents; expenses of post at Arkansas; the attack by Colbert on Fort Carlos 3° (in letters of Dubreuil, may, 1793) ; and notices regarding the expedition against Panzacola in 1781
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