Correspondencia dirigida al Gobernador de Luisiana
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Legajo 131. 1797, [1771-1774, 1784, 1787, 1793, 1795, 1796, 1798, 1810, 1817, 1818]. Correspondencia al Gobernador de la Luisiana. B, 40 cm., 900 letters. Most of the legajo is of 1797, there being only a few documents for each of the other years noted. One or more letters were also seen for 1784, 1787, 1793, 1798, 1810, 1817, and 1818. The legajo is badly disordered. The legajo contains the following series of correspondence, all of which are of 1797 except where otherwise noted:
(a) Drafts of letters of Barón de Carondelet and Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, governors of Luisiana, to their subordinates, Andrés Almonester y Rojas, Manuel Andry, César Archinard, José Arias, Vicente Borges, Nicolás Daunoy, Carlos Dehault Delassus, Jacobo Dubreuil, Martin Duralde, Vicente Fernández Texeiro, Juan Filhiol, Vicente Folch, Manuel Garcia, Carlos de Grand Pré, Matias Hernández, Carlos Howard, Ignacio de Lovio, Pedro de Marigny, Esteban Minor, Juan Ventura Morales, Juan Maria Perchet, José Pontalba, Juan Ronquillo, Zenón Trudeau, José Vázquez Vahamonde, and Enrique White. (b) Letters to Elias Beauregard from Manuel Garcia, Nogales; Carlos Howard, Nogales; Juan de Mier y Terán, Natchez; and Juan Maria Perchet, Vigia. (c) Letters to Juan Delavillebeuvre from Francisco Fontanilla, San Esteban; Francisco Gautier, Nueva Orleans; and Pedro Olivier, Mobila. (d) Letters to Vicente Fernandez Texeiro from Pedro Favrot, Placaminas; Juan Ventura Morales, Nueva Orleans; and Pedro Rousseau, Isla de Perros. (e) Letters to Pedro Olivier from Ignacio Balderas, Panzacola; Diego Barré, Tinza; Francisco Bouligny, Nueva Orleans; Juan Delavillebeuvre, Confederación and San Esteban; Jacobo Dubreuil, Panzacola (1795) ; Manuel Lanzós, Nueva Orleans; José Leblanc, Nueva Orleans; Fernando Lisoro, San Esteban; and Pedro Rola, Tinza. (f) Letters of Ignacio Balderas, Panzacola and Barrancas, to Juan Dominguez; Ignacio Balderas to Diego de Vegas; Elias Beauregard, Nogales, to José Corail; Barón de Carondelet, Nueva Orleans, to Juan Manuel Alvarez (drafts); Luis Deblanc, Atakapas, to governor of Luisiana; Carlos Dehault Delassus, Nuevo Madrid, to Agustín Grande; Ignacio Delinó, Nogales, to Carlos de Grand Pré (1796); Jacobo Dubreuil, Panzacola, to Diego de Vegas; Vicente Folch, Panzacola, to Vegas; Juan Gautier, Nueva Orleans, to Carlos de Vilemont; Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, Natchez, to Baró de Carondelet (drafts) ; Gayoso de Lemos to Pedro Favrot; Carlos de Grand Pré, Natchez, to Ignacio Delinó (1796); Grand Pré, Avoyelles, to Juan Filhiol; Agustin Grande, Esperanza, to Francisco Collell; Carlos Howard, Nuevo Madrid and San Luis, to Carlos Dehault Delassus; Diego de Lasaga, Nueva Orleans, to Pedro Favrot; Félix de Materre and Juan Bautista Poeyfarre, representatives of merchants of Nueva Orleans, to Barón de Carondelet (1793); Atanasio de Mézières, Natchitoches, to Luis de Unzaga (1772); Esteban Minor, Natchez, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos (in english); Juan Ventura Morales, Nueva Orleans, to Gayoso de Lemos; Pedro Olivier, Mobila, to Diego Barredo; Olivier to Fernando Lisoro; Juan Maria Perchet, vigía, to José Corail; Francisco Maximiliano de San Maxent, Barrancas, to José Cortés; Zenón Trudeau, San Luis, to Carlos Dehault Delassus; Trudeau to Carlos Howard; José Vázquez Vahamonde, Baton Rouge, to Pierre Voisin; and Nicolás Maria Vidal, Nueva Orleans, to Martin Duralde. Subjects treated: 1771, 1774, instructions of governor Unzaga to the commandants of Arkansas; 1796, list of grants to be given persons in Kentucky (jan. 9; see in legajo 130) ; 1797, affairs at Natchez; boundary treaty with the United States; Wilkinson; relations with the United States; indian affairs; difficulties of Choctaws and Cadeaux; inventories of supplies for Baliza, Placaminas, and San Marcos de Apalache; military and naval affairs; petitions of soldiers to the governor; g
eneral affairs of the various posts of Luisiana; copy of tariff for commerce in Luisiana (N.O., jan. 16) ; draft of instructions by Carondelet to Pedro Rousseau, captain of the corsair la Luisiana (N.O., apr. 28) ; oath of allegiance taken by residents of Nuevo Madrid (may 7); list of losses suffered by Panton, Leslie, and company during the war (Panzacola, july 24); 'Instrucción dejada por Carlos Howard a su sucesor Zenón Trudeau¿¿ (San Luis, july 27) ; original expediente of investigation regarding General Collot (N.O., oct. 26-31); and report on manner of the distribution of license to trade among indians on the Missouri from 1792 to 1797 (San Luis, dec. 20).]
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