Correspondencia entre Prefecto y gobernadores de Luisiana
1769 - 1804
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Legajo 220. 1803, [1772, 1775, 1797, 1801, 1802, 1804]. Correspondencia nacional y extranjera entre los gobernadores de la Floridas y varias autoridades extranjeras. B, 36.5 cm., 800 letters. The documents for the months of 1803 comprise the greater part of the legajo, there being only a few documents for the other years indicated. The legajo is badly disordered. Most of the correspondence is that of Laussat to Salcedo. Most of the documents are in french. The legajo contains the following series of correspondence:
(a) Letters directed to Manuel de Salcedo, governor of Luisiana, by Manuel Andry, Alemanes; Cesar Archinard, Rápido; Burthe, Nueva Orleans; Carlos Dehault Delassus, San Luis de Ilinois (San Luis); Guillermo Duparc, Punta Cortada; Martín Duralde and Luis Piernas, Attakapas; Juan Bautista de Elquezábal, San Antonio de Béjar; B. Garrick, Nueva Orleans; Pedro Clemente Laussat, Nueva Orleans; Valentin Layssard, Rápido; Ennemon Meullion, Rápido; Juan Ventura Morales, Nueva Orleans; Enrique Peyroux, Nuevo Madrid; Antonio Saint Amand, Alemanes; and Félix Trudeau, Natchitoches. (b) Drafts of letters of Salcedo to Andry, Elquezábal, Garrick, Laussat, Layssard, Meullion, Peyroux, Saint Amand, and Trudeau. (c) Letters directed to Vicente Folch by William C.C.Claiborne, Nueva Orleans; Santiago du Rouzeaux, Coweita (with drafts of replies-treating of Bowles); and Benjamín Hawkins, Creek agency. (d) Letters of Carlos Dehault Delassus, San Luis, to Luis Lorimier; Pedro Clemente Laussat, Nueva Orleans, to Salcedo and Casa Calvo; Luis Lorimier, Cabo Girardeau, to Dehault Delassus; Enrique Peyroux, Nuevo Madrid, to Casa Calvo (1801) ; and Juan Lavallée, Nuevo Madrid, to Dehault Delassus. Subjects treated: Transfer of Luisiana from the spanish to the french (very important) and general administration of the posts of the province. Special items: 1797, instructions for admission of new settlers into Luisiana to be observed by the commandants of the posts; 1802, expediente regarding the imprisonment of Juan Devereux de Lacy, who was bringing aid to Bowles; 1803, articles for the establishment of the Mississippi and Mobila commercial company (date dubious, cf. Robertson, no. 4731 ; see legajo 128; in bad condition); census of Attakapas (six documents); decree of Laussat regarding judicial power of corps municipal (nov. 30); 1804, inventory of royal property in Nueva Orleans (may 30); and lists of documents and plans delivered to the french commissioners
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Calvo de la Puerta y O'Farrill, Sebastián Nicolás (1751-1820)