Certificados de los párrocos de Florida y la Habana
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Legajo 412. 1793-1798, [1799, 1804-1821]. Certificaciones de ajustes de floridanas. (Florida Oriental 130.) A, 36 cm., 1 volume and 1500 documents. The legajo consists of the following items:
(a) 1796-1799. Certificates of parish priests as to the residence of floridanas, living in Florida and Habana, for the purpose of collecting pensions. The period of residence covered by the certificates is from the last third of 1795 to the last third of 1798. There are also many petitions, especially in 1796, against the reduction of the pensions, and powers of attorney of the floridanas. (b) Floridanas y pobladores. (Libro de asientos.) One volume, leather, 180 ff., part used. Covers 1804, jan., to 1821. Record of pensioners, giving names of the members of the families, amount of pension, and payments. There are many loose sheets interleaved in the book
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