Reales Cédulas y órdenes de San Agustín de la Florida
1580 - 1820
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Legajo 416. [1580-1820.] Reales cédulas y órdenes de Florida y Panzacola y diligencias sobre la comisión para la venta de las casas de los particulares. (Florida Oriental 134.) A, 13.5 cm., 400 documents. The legajo consists of the groups of documents indicated below. The papers of each group are together, but are not organized, neither are the groups in order. (a) 1580, 1658, 1679, 1687, 1691, 1693, 1698-1700, 1702, 1703, 1707, 1711-1717, 1720-1732, 1734-1736, 1762, 1784, 1788-1798. Reales órdenes (originals and certified copies) directed to the governor and oficiales reales of Florida. These are general administrative orders, the most important being those relating to commerce, contraband, finances, and one providing that only one subject shall be treated in a letter (1718, feb. 12). (This section forms one-third of the legajo and is listed.)
(b) 1752-1760. Correspondence regarding supplies furnished at San Agustín by Guillermo Walton. (c) 1764, 1772, 1774. Listas de familias de indios de Florida alojadas en Guanabacoa (Cuba). (d) 1781-1791. Copies of reales órdenes directed to Panzacola, of which the originals were in the contaduria, nos. 1-40. These copies were sent to the Tribunal de Cuentas in Habana. The orders deal with lists of officials and their salaries, commissions, instructions for officials, gratifications for Mc Gillivray, and indian trade. (e) 1784. Dispositions of the governor of Florida directed to the Contaduria. Copies, which were sent to the Tribunal de Cuentas in Habana. (f) 1803-1804. Instrucciones para el administrador recaudador de las riberas de San Juan y Santa María. (g) 1807-1810. Copies of reales órdenes sent to the Tribunal de Cuentas by Juan Ventura Morales. Subjects treated: Pay of the boundary commission; commerce; transfer of officials from Luisiana to Nueva Spain at the time of the cession to France; and general affairs of the treasury. (h) 1811-1812. Reales órdenes communicated to Juan Ventura Morales, intendant of Florida. Some of these approve the expense for the defense of Baton Rouge. (i) 1819-1820. Reales órdenes transmitted by Alejandro Ramirez, Habana, to the subdelegados de real hacienda of Panzacola. Two of these are directed against two spanish reviews of London entitled 'Español Constitucional and Gabinete de Curiosidades Politicas y Literarias de España e Indias'
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