Correspondencia autoridades de Panzacola y Nueva Orleans
1793 - 1814
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Legajo 591. [1793, 1802-1804, 1806-1813.] Correspondencia varia (in pencil 'Concesiones de tierras¿¿). (Luisiana 104.) B, 37 cm., 900 letters. The legajo comprises the following items:
(a) 1802-1808. Letters to Juan Ventura Morales from Manuel de Salcedo, Nueva Orleans; Carlos de Grand Pré, Baton Rouge; and Ignacio Fernández Velasco, Baton Rouge. This is a series of letters relating to land grants (concesiones de tierras), mixed as to dates but numbered consecutively up to 172 and all placed in order. Most of the letters are accompanied by the drafts of the replies, and some few drafts are numbered in the series. Most of the letters are from Grand Pré. (b) 1793. Letters of José de Orúe, contador of Nueva Orleans, to Barón de Carondelet, accompanied by the drafts of the replies of Carondelet. There is a carpeta for each month, and they are in order. (c) 1803-1804. Manuel Salcedo to Juan Ventura Morales, together with the drafts of the replies. There are letters for all the months of 1803 and jan. and mar., 1804. The principal subjects treated are finances, slave-trade, transfer of Luisiana, the american agent among the Choctaws, and passports to vessels. (d) 1808-1813. Juan Ventura Morales and Antonio Cabanas, Panzacola, to Manuel Armírez, treasurer for concluding the affairs of Luisiana, with the drafts of the replies by Armírez. There is an inventory of the letters written by the intendancy to Armírez, listing 87 letters, which includes this series. The letters relate wholly to financial matters. There is also a notebook containing the reports made by Armírez to the intendancy, covering the period from june, 1806, to oct., 1811, during which time he was concluding the affairs of Luisiana. (e) 1809. Vicente Folch, Juan Francisco Arniaud de Courville, and Juan María Perchet to Juan Ventura Morales. A few letters. (f) 1809. Petitions directed to intendant Morales, mainly for certificates attesting the validity of certificates of credit issued at Nueva Orleans
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