Personal details First name: Surname(s): Year of birth: Exact year +/- 1 year +/- 2 years +/- 5 years +/- 10 years Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd): Place of birth: Sex: No preference Male Female Unknown Exiled: Yes No No preference Information about the departure Place of departure: Year of departure: Exact year +/- 1 year +/- 2 years +/- 5 years +/- 10 years Information about the arrival Place of arrival: Year of arrival: Exact year +/- 1 year +/- 2 years +/- 5 years +/- 10 years Information about the journey Name of means of transport: Archival data Signature: Series: No preference Expedientes sobre licencias de embarque. Isla de CubaExpedientes sobre licencias de embarque. Isla de Puerto RicoJefatura Política y de Policía de MontevideoListas de pasajeros y emigrantesRegistro de Inscripción de Nacionalidad Consulado de España en RosarioRegistro Nacional de Extranjeros en México (copia digital)Solicitudes de permiso de residencia en la República Dominicana
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