Corporate Body - Brazo Militar de Cataluña (España)

Brazo Militar de Cataluña (España)



Corporate Body

Preferred form:

Brazo Militar de Cataluña (España)Alternative forms (other languages) Other forms

Fechas de Existencia:

from 1602-06-02 to 1714


Founded on the 2nd of June 1602 by the Noble Onofre d’Alentorn, this institution had the objective of joining the whole Catalan military aristocracy and influencing the politics of the Principality of Catalonia. Unlike the Military Wing (Brazo Militar), that only gathered when the Catalan Cortes were celebrated, the institution founded by Onofre d’Alentorn had a permanent nature and had an important role for the explanation of the Catalan warmongering during the 17th and 18th centuries. It obtained this position thanks to the conferences of the “Tres Comunes of Catalonia”, name that received the three principal self-government institutions in Catalonia during the Modern Era. These conferences led the other two “Comunes” (“Generalitat de Catalunya” and “Consell de Cent”) to positions increasingly belligerents for the defence of the constitutions.

Abolished in 1714 after the Spanish War of Succession, it was restored in 1880. It got the name of “Cos de la Noblesa de Barcelona” (1880-1919) and, then, “Reial Cos de la Noblesa de Catalunya”.


PARES: Código Referencia:ES.08019.ACA/4.1.11//

Related Authorities

Argençola i de Blanes, Jeroni d' (XVI-a. 1656)  ( Tiene como miembro a )

Associative relations :

Calders, Lluís Joan de (?-1642)  ( Tiene como miembro a )

Marimon Cartellà Farners, Joan de  ( Tiene como miembro a )

Morenés Carvajal, José María (1913-1977)  ( Tiene como miembro a )

Morenés García Alessón, Ramón (1866-1934)  ( Tiene como miembro a )

Tamarit de Rifà, Francesc de (¿-1654)  ( Tiene como miembro a )

Trenor Arróspide, José María (1906-2000)  ( Tiene como miembro a )

External Links

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