Negociación de Génova
1495 - 1700
1ª División_en
This unit of description contains 2 units more
The section contains the documentation produced by the Council of State in its Secretary of Italy (1567-1706), concerning the affairs and business that were carried out with the Republic of Genoa in the 16th and 17th centuries, in two series: Letters, Dispatch Drafts and 'Consultas', and Noteworthy Cases. Most of the contents are correspondence, as a way to sending instructions and exchanging information between the court (the King, the privy secretary, etc.) and its representatives in the territories: the ambassador and a large number of political, financial, military, religious and cultural agents at his service. And, of course, with the Signoria, the local power. Italy being a space specially relevant for the Spanish Empire, with a complex network of relations, the contents of all the Italian negotiations of the Council of State go beyond local issues; Genoa is a clear example: its geopolitical position justifies the appearance of documentation related to all the Mediterranean and Atlantic spaces and their protagonists. Noteworthy matters are: the Genoa Galley Squadron in the Mediterranean, commanded by Doria; the financing of the Spanish Empire by Genoese merchants; and Milano, the 'key to Europe'.
La documentación se articula en dos series:
-La más amplia, secuencial en su cronología y expresiva del sistema de trabajo político-administrativo del Consejo de Estado: CARTAS, MINUTAS de DESPACHOS y CONSULTAS. 1495-1699. (127 legajos y un libro)
-NEGOCIOS NOTABLES: tan reducida en su volumen (10 legajos) como extensa en su arco cronológico: 1564-1700.
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Español (Alfabeto latino), Italiano (Alfabeto latino), Latín (Alfabeto latino).
Writing type: Humanística.
Spanish, Italian and Latin.
Humanistic writing.
Papelesde Estado Génova (siglos XVI-XVII) por Ricardo Magdaleno. Preparación, advertencia preliminar e índices de Adela González Vega (518 páginas). Valladolid 1972.
Fully digitized (137 bundles, 1 book).