Person - Anderson, Lindsay (1923-1994)

Anderson, Lindsay (1923-1994)




Preferred form:

Anderson, Lindsay (1923-1994)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

1923-04-17 - Charente (departamento)  1994-08-30


Lindsay Anderson was an English film director, actor and theatre and film critic.

He was born in Sothern India, where he met his friend Gavin Lambert. He worked as cryptographer during the last year of the Second World War and helped to stuck the red flag after the Labour Party won the general elections of 1945 in Great Britain. He first was film critic when he adquired a great recognition by comenting the movies. He began directing documentaries and short films around the fifties. One of his biggest economic support was John Ford's, and wrote a book with him. His more important movies were "If..." (1968), which gained the Palme d'Or, "This sporting life" (1963) and "O lucky man!" (1973).

He died the 30th August 1994 at the age of 71 in Angouleme due to a heart attack.

World War, 1939-1945

Description: Trabajo como criptógrafo durante la II GM

Date of the event: 1945 - 1945

Location associated with the date: Europa



Lugar de Defunción:

Charente (departamento) in 1994-08-30

Related Authorities

Ford, John (1894-1973)  ( Es colega/ amigo de )

Associative relations :

Labour Party (Gran Bretaña)  ( Fue colaborador del gobierno laborista en su primer año y la subida al poder. )

External Links

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Catálogo de Autoridades:


Catálogo de Autoridades:


Fichero de Autoridades:

Biblioteca Nacional de España


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  • No Units of Description associated.