Remedios Varo
Person - Varo, Remedios (1908-1963)

Varo, Remedios (1908-1963)




Preferred form:

Varo, Remedios (1908-1963)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

Anglès (Girona, España)  1908-12-16 - Ciudad de México (México)  1963-10-08


Spanish visual artist.

Her family moved to Madrid in 1917 due her father's to work issues, and once they were settled in the capital, she studied in the Escuela de Artes y Oficios and the Escuela Especial de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado, where she acquainted Maruja Mallo, Vitorina Durán and Salvador Dalí. During those years, she showed her works on different expositions and in the Salón de la Unión de Dibjunates Españoles. She married to Gerardo Lizárraga and moved to Paris, where she shared a studio with Esteban Francés, and collaborated with other artists as Marcel Jean or Óscar Domínguez. She went back to Spain for a short period and did advertising cartoons. In 1937, as a consequence of the Spanish Civil War, she returned to Paris with Benjamin Péret. She was there until 1941, when she decided to go to Mexico because of the Second World War. The previous year she had shown her works in the Mexican International Surrealist Exhibition, hosted in the Galería de Arte Mexicano de Inés Amor. In the first years of her exile in Mexico, she had different orders, as the sketches for the magazine Feminidades; she collaborated with Esteban Francés in the clothing design of Marc Chagal for the ballet Aleko; she did advertising orders for Bayer, and designed, along with Leonora Carrington, dresses and hats for theater productions. In the 50s, she participated in diverse collective expositions, such as the Exposición de Artistas Españoles that she gathered with all the exiled painters as Elvira Gascón, Pilar Puig, Lucinda Urristi or Manuela Ballester. Finally, in the 60s, she showed her work alone.

Serpa Pinto (barco de vapor)

Description: medio de transporte: Serpa Pinto

Date of the event: 1941-12-16

Location associated with the date: Veracruz (México)

Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939

Date of the event: 1936 - 1939

World War, 1939-1945

Date of the event: 1939 - 1945




Lugar de Residencia:

París (Francia)

Lugar de Residencia:

Madrid (España)

Lugar de Nacimiento:

Anglès (Girona, España) in 1908-12-16

Lugar de Defunción:

Ciudad de México (México) in 1963-10-08




es un/es una:




Related Authorities

Carrington, Leonora (1917-2011)  ( Colabora con )

Associative relations :

Dalí, Salvador (1904-1989)  ( Es colega/ amigo de; Coinciden en la Escuela Especial de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado de Madrid )

Durán Cebrián, Victorina (1899-1994)  ( Es colega/ amigo de; Coinciden en la Escuela Especial de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado de Madrid )

Mallo, Maruja (1902-1995)  ( Es colega/ amigo de; Coinciden en la Escuela Especial de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado de Madrid )

Family relationships :

Lizárraga, Gerardo (1905-1982)  - Marriage (Esta casado/a con)

Varo Uranga, Rodrigo (1901-1980)  - Collateral (Es hermano/a de)

External Links

Catálogo de Autoridades:


Fichero de Autoridades:

Biblioteca Nacional de España


Producer of:

  • No Units of Description associated.