Spanish Archives - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport

Person - Cooper, Jackie (1922-2011)

Cooper, Jackie (1922-2011)




Preferred form:

Cooper, Jackie (1922-2011)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

Los Ángeles (California, Estados Unidos)  1922-09-15 - California (Estados Unidos)  2011-05-03


Jackie Cooper was an American actor, film director and producer. Cooper’s career began in the world of acting. His first job was in the short film “Boxing Gloves” in 1929, for which he could build a successful character. Thanks to this job, Paramount contacted him and offered him a contract and in that period he was nominated for the Oscar for best actor, at the age of eight due to his role in “Skippy”. With this film he was catapulted into stardom and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer hired him and he made numerous films. During the Second World War his career was interrupted and when he got back he kept with his career in the film world, especially in series, as an actor, but also as a director and producer. In the seventies his fame reemerged with the film series of “Superman”, characterized by Christopher Reeve. Among his most notable titles are: “The Champ” (1931), “Skippy” (1931), “Superman” (1978) and “Superman II” (1980).


Lugar de Nacimiento:

Los Ángeles (California, Estados Unidos) in 1922-09-15

Lugar de Defunción:

California (Estados Unidos) in 2011-05-03




Related Authorities

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. (Estados Unidos)  ( Es empleado en/trabaja en )

Associative relations :

Paramount Pictures Corporation (Estados Unidos)  ( Es empleado en/trabaja en )

External Links

Recurso electrónico:


Catálogo de Autoridades:


Fichero de Autoridades:

Biblioteca Nacional de España


Producer of:

  • No Units of Description associated.

Related documents:

  • Archivo General de la Administración  (1)