Lajo, Rosina (1931-)Other forms
Valladolid (España) 1931-09-05 - existente actualmente
Spanish secondary school teacher, deputy, writer, and translator. In 1954 she graduated in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Valladolid, the year she married Juan Dolera Ibáñez. In 1960 she moved to Gerona, where she worked as a Geography and History teacher at the Jaime Vicens Vives High School until her retirement in 1996, being its director since 1993. She actively participated in Gerona's cultural policy. In 1974 she joined the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE/Spanish Socialist Workers Party) and was a member of the executive of the Gerona group. In the first democratic elections she was elected deputy for Gerona as well as designated second on the list of the PSOE-PSC in the Constituent Parliamentary term (1977-1979). She is also the author of several books such as La Constitución española de 1978 and has translated into Spanish La escultura románica: Investigaciones sobre la historia de las formas by Henri Focillon and La bruja: Un estudio de las supersticiones en la Edad Media by Jules Michelet.
Date of the event: 1977-07-13 - 1979-01-02
Las mujeres parlamentarias en la legislatura constituyente. [Copia digital]. dirección y coordinación, Julia Sevilla Merino ... [et al] ; con la colaboración de Ana Aba Catoira ... [et al]. Madrid: Cortes Generales, Departamento de Publicaciones. 2006. XVIII, 532 p.. 000-06-016-2.