Mata, Marta (1926-2006)Alternative forms (other languages) Other forms
Barcelona (España) 1926-06-22 - Barcelona (España) 2006-06-27
Spanish teacher, pedagogue, politician, and writer. Daughter of Josep Mata Virgili (1896‑1934), industrial technician, and Àngels Garriga Martin (1898‑1967), teacher of the schools of the School Association of the Barcelona City Council, where Marta completed her primary education. In 1943 she began her university studies, which she had to interrupt due to illness. She moved to Saifores (Bañeras), to the Cal Mat family home, where she spent a long convalescence. In 1957 she graduated in Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona. In 1965, together with a small group, she founded the Ecola de Mestres Rosa Sensat in Barcelona, where she practiced her specialties of pedagogy and didactics of the written language. As of 1972, she was a professor without tenure at the University of Barcelona, at the Institute of Education Sciences and at the Teaching School in Sant Cugat. From 1976 she was a member of Convergencia Socialista de Cataluña (Socialist Convergence of Catalonia). In the first democratic elections she was elected deputy for Barcelona representing the Grupo Parlamentario Socialista de Cataluña (Socialist Parliamentary Group of Catalonia) in the Constituent Legislature (1977‑1979), and being re‑elected in the First Parliamentary term (1979‑1982). From this date she held several political positions: representative of the Parliament of Catalonia for Tarragona and Barcelona; Senator for Barcelona and Councilor of the Barcelona City Council (1987‑1995). In 1996 she left politics and after her official retirement she worked on developing some publications and collaborating with various educational projects. Between 1986 and 2002 she was vice president of the State School Council and from 2004 to 2006 its president. In 1984 she created the Fundació Àngels Garriga de Mata, currently called 'Fundació Marta Mata Garriga'. She died in Barcelona at the age of 80.
Date of the event: 1977-07-13 - 1979-01-02
Las mujeres parlamentarias en la legislatura constituyente. [Copia digital]. dirección y coordinación, Julia Sevilla Merino ... [et al] ; con la colaboración de Ana Aba Catoira ... [et al]. Madrid: Cortes Generales, Departamento de Publicaciones. 2006. XVIII, 532 p.. 000-06-016-2.
Menéndez, Manuel Ángel. Fontes, Ignacio. Quién es quién: sus señorías los diputados : atlas de la democracia parlamentaria española. Manuel Ángel Menéndez Gijón, Ignacio Fontes. Tres Cantos (Madrid): Foca. 931 p.. 84-95440-25-3.