Moll de Miguel, Mercedes (1940-)
Madrid (España) 1940-02-04 - existente actualmente
Spanish businesswoman and politician. Mercedes Moll de Miguel was a daughter of the Colonel Sebastián Moll Carbó and María del Carmen de Miguel Mayoral. She studied Teaching and she graduated in Therapeutic Pedagogy and Nursing from the Military Hospital of Barcelona. In 1962 she married the medical commander César de Requesens Manterola and they settled in Melilla and Seville until the death of her husband in 1968. Then, she moved to Granada, where she managed a tobacco store and a lottery administration, founding the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Granada. In the first democratic elections she was elected deputy for Granada representing Unión de Centro Democrático (UCD/Union of Democratic Centre) during the Constituent Parliamentary term (1977‑1979). Later she was advisor to the Ministers for Culture (1979) and Health (1980‑1981).
Date of the event: 1977-07-13 - 1979-01-02
Las mujeres parlamentarias en la legislatura constituyente. [Copia digital]. dirección y coordinación, Julia Sevilla Merino ... [et al] ; con la colaboración de Ana Aba Catoira ... [et al]. Madrid: Cortes Generales, Departamento de Publicaciones. 2006. XVIII, 532 p.. 000-06-016-2.