Moreno González, Elena María (1941-)
Santander (Cantabria, España) 1941 - existente actualmente
Spanish politician and bank clerk. She studied Baccalaureate and Secretariat. Elena María Moreno González was head of the Women's Bank of the Bank of Bilbao in Vigo. She was elected deputy for Pontevedra of Unión de Centro Democrático (UCD/Democratic Center Union) during the Constituent Parliamentary term (1977‑1979) and she was re‑elected in the First Parliamentary term (1979‑1982). In the Congress she was part of the Commission of Universities and Investigation (1979‑1981), of the Labor Commission (1979-1981) and of the Special Commission of the Emigration Problems (1979‑1982). She was also the First Secretary of the Commission for Social Policy and Employment (1982), of the Public Works and Urban Planning (1979-1982), of the Emigration Problems (1979-1982) and of the Consumption of Adulterated Oil (1981‑1982).
Date of the event: 1977-07-13 - 1979-01-02
Las mujeres parlamentarias en la legislatura constituyente. [Copia digital]. dirección y coordinación, Julia Sevilla Merino ... [et al] ; con la colaboración de Ana Aba Catoira ... [et al]. Madrid: Cortes Generales, Departamento de Publicaciones. 2006. XVIII, 532 p.. 000-06-016-2.