Arce Molina, Juana (1935-)
Albacete (España) 1935-04-23 - existente actualmente
Spanish politician and philologist. Married.
Arce studied Philosophy and Letters at the University of Murcia (1954-1957) and at the University of Madrid (1954-1957), where she graduated in English Philology. She continued studying in London (1960) and worked at the Mangold Languages Institute. In 1977, Arce was sent to Albacete by the Partido Popular (Popular Party) of Pío Cabanillas and José María de Areilza, UCD's descendant. She participated also in the presentation of this party along with José Escobar. During the Constituent Legislature (1977-1979), Arce was elected senator of PP for Albacete in the UCD Parliamentarian Group. She was also a member of the Permanent Council of the Senate, from 28th December 1978 to 26th March 1979. In the I Legislature, she was elected deputy for Albacete (1979-1982). After quitting politics, she worked again as a language teacher and business consultant.
Date of the event: 1977-07-13 - 1979-01-02
Padre: Braulio Arce, agricultor
Madre: Juana Molina, agricultora
Hermanos: Domingo, Braulio, Antonio, Mariana y Rosario.
Esposo: Wduardo Winkels, alemán.
Hijos: Isabel (1964), abogada; Michael (1966), economista y Sonia (1968) licenciada en Humanidades.
Castellanos López, José Antonio. Quién fue quién en la Transición en Castilla-La Mancha (1977-1982). José Antonio Castellanos López. Cuenca: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. 815 p.. 978-84-7788-656-3.
Las mujeres parlamentarias en la legislatura constituyente. [Copia digital]. dirección y coordinación, Julia Sevilla Merino ... [et al] ; con la colaboración de Ana Aba Catoira ... [et al]. Madrid: Cortes Generales, Departamento de Publicaciones. 2006. XVIII, 532 p.. 000-06-016-2.
Menéndez, Manuel Ángel. Fontes, Ignacio. Quién es quién: sus señorías los diputados : atlas de la democracia parlamentaria española. Manuel Ángel Menéndez Gijón, Ignacio Fontes. Tres Cantos (Madrid): Foca. 931 p.. 84-95440-25-3.