Ruiz-Navarro Gimeno, José Luis (1925-2001)Other forms
Madrid (España) 1925-07-14 - Madrid (España) 2001-11-15
Spanish lawyer, lecturer and politician. Married. PhD in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, and graduated in Comparative Law and European Communities Law from the University of Strasbourg. Ruíz-Navarro worked at the Civil Law University of the Complutense, and was an advisor of COPE (Radio station), Constructora Urbis and Fotofilm Madrid. In the 50's, he was linked to the Spanish Association of European Cooperation and Movement. Moreover, he participated in the foundation of some Demo Christian institutions, like the Youth Club of the National Catholic Association of Propagandists, and the Democratic Christian Left-Wing. As a politician, he was a deputy of UCD for the province of Madrid in the Constituent, I and II Legislatures. During the Constituent Legislature (1977-1979), he was the first secretary of the Committee at the Congress of Deputies.
Date of the event: 1977-07-13 - 1979-01-02
Menéndez, Manuel Ángel. Fontes, Ignacio. Quién es quién: sus señorías los diputados : atlas de la democracia parlamentaria española. Manuel Ángel Menéndez Gijón, Ignacio Fontes. Tres Cantos (Madrid): Foca. 931 p.. 84-95440-25-3.
Ruiz-Navarro Pinar, José Luis . José Luis Ruiz-Navarro Gimeno: un humanista defensor de los valores de la Transición. Madrid: Congreso de los Diputados. 2005. ISBN: 9788479434885.