Rosales, Luis (1910-1992)Other forms
Granada (España) 1910-05-31 - Madrid (España) 1992-10-24
He was a Spanish writer and the son of Miguel Rosales Vallecillos y de Esperanza Camacho Corona. He studied law and philosophy and letters between his native city and Madrid. He was friend of Garcia Lorca, his attempt to save him, cost him the temporary expulsion of the Falange. He also was an important poet of the so-called Generation of ‘36, among other members such as Luis Felipe Vivanco, Leopoldo y Juan Panero, Manuel Celaya or Buero Vallejo.
His literary activity was very intense. When he published his first book of poems in 1935, he was awarded with titles such as: “Retablo Sacro del Nacimiento de Nuestro Señor”, “Las puertas comunicantes”; “Un rostro en cada ola”; “Rimas”; “La obra poética del conde de Salinas”; “Cervantes y la libertad”; “La casa encendida”. One of his major contributions to the world of literature was his continuous research work of the Spanish Golden Age classics. He wrote in the magazine “Cruz y Raya”, and was Secretary of the Escorial magazine, after the civil war.
He worked since his beginning in the Institute of Hispanic Culture, today Institute of Ibero-American Cooperation Instituto, so he always maintained contact and friendship with important poets and Latin American writers such as Mújica Laínez, Garcia Marquez and Hector Rojas, Director of "Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos" from 1953 to 1965. Later, he edited the literary magazine "Nueva Estafeta" from 1978 to 1982.
In 1964, he joined the Royal Spanish Academy and throughout his life, he was awarded several times: the National Prize of Poetry (1949), Mariano de Cavia Prize (1962), National Prize for Literature (1951) Unamuno Prize (1972), National Essay Prize (1975), Lacalle Prize, Fray Luis de León Prize (1982) and Cervantes Prize (1982).
Date of the event: 1936 - 1939
PARES. Código Referencia:ES.28079.AHN/4.2.47//
Fotografías de la exposición Luis Rosales. El contenido del corazón en la Casa Encendida