Spanish Archives - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport

Person - Borbón Saboya, Luis Antonio de (1775-1844)

Borbón Saboya, Luis Antonio de (1775-1844)




Preferred form:

Borbón Saboya, Luis Antonio de (1775-1844)Alternative forms (other languages) Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

Palacio de Versalles (Yvelines, Francia)  1775-08-06 - Gorizia (Friuli-Venecia Julia, Italia)  1844-06-03


Louis Antoine of France (Versailles, 6 August 1775; Gorizia, Austria, 3 June 1844). Duke of Angulema and Count of Marnes.

He was the last Dauphin of France between 1824-1830, hence the oldest son of Charles X of France (1757-1836) and Marie Thérèse of Savoie (1756-1805). He received the title of Duke of Angulema by his uncle, the King Louis XVI, the moment he was born.

In 1789, due to the revolutionary incidents, he left France with his parents, spending most of his life in exile. He married Marie Thérèse of France (1778-1851), but they had no children.

At the fallen of Napoleon's Empire, he returned to France, as Louis XVI (1755-1824) rose to the throne.

Louis Antoine was cousin of the King Ferdinand VII of Spain. In 1823, he founded the French military expedition known as the Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis, sent to Spain in order to help Ferdinand VII restoring the absolutist monarchy.

On 16 September 1824, his father became the King Charles X, so Louis Antoine became the Dauphin of France and heir to the crown. Nevertheless, on 30 July 1830, in the July Revolution, Charles X abdicated.

On 2 August 1830, Charles X abdicated in favor of his grandson the Duke of Bordeux, Henry of Artois (1820-1883). On the following minutes, Louis Antoine also resigned of his rights in favor of the Duke. These events led to a division between those who did not recognize the abdication (Carlists) and consider Charles X as the real heir, and those who considered the abdication fair (Henriquists) and saw Henry as the actual heir to the french crown.

When the Duke of Orleans was chosen by the Chambers to be proclaimed French King as Louis Philippe I (1773-1850), the royal family had to exile themselves.

In 1836, when his father passed away in Praga, there was a part of the Carlists who considered him the legitimate king and so considered him Louis XIX, as the abdications of 1830 were seen as dishonest. Even though he was the chief of the Royal House and officially owned the title of King, he remained aside of politics, using instead the title of Count of Chambord.

Liberal Triennium, 1820-1823

Date of the event: 1820 - 1823



Lugar de Nacimiento:

Palacio de Versalles (Yvelines, Francia) in 1775-08-06

Lugar de Defunción:

Gorizia (Friuli-Venecia Julia, Italia) in 1844-06-03





Gil Novales, Alberto. Diccionario biográfico de España (1808-1833) : de los orígenes del liberalismo a la reacción absolutista. Alberto Gil Novales. Madrid: Fundación Mapfre. 3 v. (3406 p.). 978-84-9844-236-6 (Vol. 3).

Related Authorities

Family relationships :

Fernando VII (1784-1833, rey de España)  - Collateral (Es primo/a de)

Luis XVI (1754-1793, rey de Francia)  - Collateral (Es sobrino/a de)

Luis XVIII (1755-1824, rey de Francia)  - Collateral (Es sobrino/a de)

Carlos X (1757-1836, rey de Francia)  - Descendant (Es hijo/a de)

See ancestors

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  • No Units of Description associated.

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  • Archivo Histórico de la Nobleza  (2)
  • Archivo Histórico Nacional  (3)