Person - Portugal, María Manuela de (1527-1545, princesa consorte de Asturias)

Portugal, María Manuela de (1527-1545, princesa consorte de Asturias)




Preferred form:

Portugal, María Manuela de (1527-1545, princesa consorte de Asturias)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

Coímbra (Portugal)  1527-10-15 - Valladolid (España)  1545-04-12


Maria Manuela, Princess of Portugal, was born in Coimbra (Portugal) on 15 October 1527 and died in Valladolid on 12 July 1545 a few days after giving birth to her only son Carlos. Princess of Asturias and Infanta of Portugal, daughter of John III of Portugal and Catherine of Austria. Nephew of King Charles I of Spain.

Maria Manuela was the first wife of the future king Philip II, her first cousin, when he was still Prince of Asturias and ruled in the name of his father Charles V the territories of the Iberian Peninsula during his paternal absence. Once the papal dispensation was obtained as they were first cousins, the marriage was celebrated by proxy in Portugal on May 12, 1543. After the wedding they travelled to Valladolid, passing through Tordesillas, where their grandmother, Queen Joanna of Castile resided in her castle. In Valladolid, they settled in Francisco de Cobos' house, Secretary of the future king. Prince Charles of Austria, Prince of Asturias (1545-1568) was born of this marriage. Manuela died a few months after the birth of her only son.

Internal Structure-Genealogy:

Hija de Juan III de Portugal y de Catalina de Austria.

Madre de Carlos de Austria.


Salamanca in 1543-11-14 Obs.:  Fecha de matrimonio

Lugar de Nacimiento:

Coímbra (Portugal) in 1527-10-15

Lugar de Defunción:

Valladolid (España) in 1545-04-12


RUBIO ARAGONÉS, M. J. Reinas de España: las Austrias. Siglos XV-XVII, de Isabel la Católica a Mariana de Neoburgo.-Madrid: La Esfera de los Libros, 2010. P. 109-131

FERRERA CUESTA, C. Diccionario de Historia de España.-Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2005.

Historia de España. España en tiempo de Felipe II. Tomo XXII, Vol VI, 1556-1568/dirigida por R. Menéndez Pidal; por el P. Luis Fernández y Fernández de Retama. 4º ed.-Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1988.

Related Authorities

Family relationships :

Felipe II (1527-1598, rey de España)  - Marriage (Esta casado/a con; Primera esposa.)

Austria, Catalina de (1507-1578, reina consorte de Portugal)  - Descendant (Es hijo/a de)

Juan III (1502-1557, rey de Portugal)  - Descendant (Es hijo/a de)

Austria, Carlos de (1545-1568, príncipe de Asturias)  - Progenitor (Es madre de)

See ancestors See successors

Princesa consorte de Asturias  ( Ocupa /Ejerce de )

Associative relations :


Producer of:

  • No Units of Description associated.