Correspondencia dirigida al Capitán General de Cuba
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Legajo 1789. 1812. Correspondencia con los gobernadores de las Floridas. (Apodaca 5; Capitanes Generales 741.) B, 19 cm., 337 documents. The letters cover the months from apr. to dec., 1812. They are all arranged in order. The legajo consists of letters to the captains general of Cuba, as follows: To marqués de Someruelos, from: 1812, apr. 12-may 19. Juan José Estrada, acting governor of Florida, nos. 106-122, 131, 132. See legajos 1569-1571; cf. legajo 1867. To Juan Ruiz de Apodaca, from: 1812, may 6-june 12. Juan José Estrada, nos. 123-130. 1812, june 16-dec. 3. Sebastián Kindelán, governor of Florida, nos. 2-86, 88-104, 106-114. Series continued in legajos 1790, 1791. Some of the above letters are accompanied by drafts of replies, and there are some other drafts of the captains general to the governors. Subjects treated by Estrada: Defense of the province against the rebels; project of the inhabitants to unite Florida to the United States; invasion of Florida from the United States. Many of the letters transmit military reports and acknowledge receipt of royal orders. By Kindelán: Relations with Georgia; need of supplies; insurrection headed by americans; relations with the indians; robbery of livestock; designs of the United States government upon Florida; publication of the constitution of 1812; census of San Agustín for 1805. Many of the letters deal with military matters and acknowledge the receipt of royal orders. Listed
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