Marín González, Manuel (1949-2017)
Ciudad Real (España) 1949 - Madrid (España) 2017
Spanish lawyer and politician. He was known as the father of the Erasmus Program, since he was one of its main promoters.
He got a PhD in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and a Master's degree in European Law from the European Centre of the University of Nancy (France). He also graduated in High European Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium), and he was president of the FUNDACIÓN IBERDROLA ESPAÑA since 2008. He was married to Carmen Ortiz Bru, with whom he had two daughters.
He was a member of the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE/Spanish Socialist Worker's Party) since 1974. He was elected Deputy for Ciudad Real in the first parliamentary term of democratic Spain (15 June 1977); re‑elected in I, II, VII and VIII parliamentary terms.
Manuel Marín had an important role with regard to the arrival of Felipe González to the Government in 1982. Marín was State Secretary for Relations with the European Communities, and he led the negotiations for the entry of Spain into the EU. He was appointed commissioner of Spain to the EEC in 1985, so he left the Secretariat of the State in October of the same year. He was replaced by Pedro Solbes. As of 1 January 1986, he served as vice president of the European Commission and as commissioner in charge of Social Affairs and Education and Employment, from which he created and promoted the 'Erasmus' Program, a community exchange and student support program.
In November 1988 he was again appointed by the Spanish Government as Commissioner of Fisheries and of Development Cooperation Policy. As Fisheries Commissioner, the fisheries negotiations with the former USSR and Poland, the reinforcement of the fisheries policy in the Mediterranean and the improvement in the process of transformation and commercialization of fishery products were proposed as his priority objectives. He worked on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which was approved in December 1992.
He was president of the Congress (2004‑2008) during the first term of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. In addition, he played an important role in European institutions as vice president of the European Commission between 1985 and 1999. He also held positions in several European commissariats. On 16 March 1999, the European Commission formalized its collective resignation.
In October 1999 he joined the Carlos III University of Madrid as a professor. However, he abandoned teaching after being elected deputy for Ciudad Real in the March elections in 2000. He returned to Congress after an absence of almost fifteen years.
Date of the event: 1977-07-13 - 1979-01-02