Corporate Body - Real Audiencia y Chancillería de Valladolid. Salas de lo Civil. Escribanía de Zarandona y Balboa

Real Audiencia y Chancillería de Valladolid. Salas de lo Civil. Escribanía de Zarandona y Balboa



Corporate Body

Preferred form:

Real Audiencia y Chancillería de Valladolid. Salas de lo Civil. Escribanía de Zarandona y Balboa

Fechas de Existencia:

from XV to XIX


The clerkship of Zarandona y Balboa was one of the 12 public offices that performs their activities in the civil courts of the Royal Chancellery of Valladolid. It is named after Pedro de Zarandona y Balboa, the last public officer that occupied this post at the time of the supression of that judicial institution in 1834.
