Rey José I Bonaparte
Person - José I (1768-1844, rey de España)

José I (1768-1844, rey de España)




Preferred form:

José I (1768-1844, rey de España)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

1768-01-07 - Florencia (Toscana, Italia)  1844-07-28


Joseph-Napoléon Bonaparte (Corte, January 7, 1768 – Florencia, July 28, 1844).

He was the King of Naples (1806-1808) and Spain (1808-1813) and older brother of Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821).

He graduated in law in Pisa (Italy). He was deputy in Corsica in the Council of Five Hundred (1797-1799). He entered in the legislative body (1799-1800) and in the body of State (1800-1804).

He also was the main negotiator of the Treaty of Mortefontaine with the United States on September 30, 1800; the peace of Luneville with Austria (February 9, 1801); and the Peace of Amiens with England (March 27, 1802). Between 1804 and 1806, he was the Great Elector of the First French Empire. As Emperor, Napoleon I awarded José with the throne of Naples, which held from 1806 to 1808. From 1808, he occupied the Crown of Spain that Charles IV and Ferdinand VII had made available at the disposal of Napoleon in the abdications of Bayonne.

On April 18, 1808 Napoleon offered him the Crown of Spain, which accepted, receiving accordingly the order of being present at Bayonne. He was the King of Spain since June 7, 1808 and he did not cease in Naples until July 5. His first two decrees, both in Bayonne, on June 10, 1808, are the confirmation of the Grand Duke of Berg as Deputy of the Kingdom, and the acceptance of the Crown. On July 7, he took an oath facing the Courts of Bayonne, as Joseph I, King of Spain and the Indies. These Courts were reunited in Bayonne and approved the Constitution that Napoleon offered to Spain, where he moved.

A few days after his arrival in Madrid, he was forced to abandon the capital (July 31) and set his headquarters in Miranda de Ebro. The coming of Napoleon to Spain and his victorious campaigns in November and December, allowed him to return. From this moment, he tried to reach an agreement with the Central Board, the supreme governing body of the resistance.

On January 1810, he directed the campaign of Andalusia, which was under his power, except Cadiz. When the Courts of Cadiz were reunited, he tried to reach an agreement with them without success. The French defeats in Salamanca (July 22, 1812) and in Vitoria (21 June 1813) forced him to leave Spain and take refuge in France definitely. After the defeat of Napoleon and the fall of the Empire, he settled in the United States, where he lived during a long time with the title of Count of Surville.

In 1841, he was authorized to reside in Florence, where he would die.

Internal Structure-Genealogy:

Rey de España y hermano mayor de Napoléon, emperador de Francia.


Lugar de Defunción:

Florencia (Toscana, Italia) in 1844-07-28





BERNECKER, Walther; COLLADO SEIDEL, Carlos y HOSER, Paul (ed. dirigida), Los reyes de España: dieciocho retratos históricos desde los Reyes Católicos hasta la actualidad.- Madrid, Siglo XXI de España, 2005, p. 199-214.

FERRERA CUESTA, Carlos., Diccionario de historia de España.- Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2005.

LÁSZIÓ PANIAGUA, Carmen I., José I en la historiografía española del siglo XIX.- Madrid, Vulcano, 2000.

CAMBRONERO, Carlos., José I Bonaparte, el rey intruso: apuntes históricos referentes a su gobierno en España.- -Madrid, Alderabán, 1997.

Related Authorities

Azanza, Miguel José de (1746-1826)  ( Tiene como miembro a )

Associative relations :

Juntas de Negocios Contenciosos (España)  ( Es fundador de )

Mazarredo Salazar, José de (1745-1812)  ( Tiene como miembro a )

Meléndez Valdés, Juan (1754-1817)  ( Colabora con )

Rey de España  ( Ocupa /Ejerce de )

Family relationships :

Clary, Julia (1771-1845, reina consorte de España)  - Marriage (Esta casado/a con)

Napoleón I (1769-1821, emperador de Francia)  - Collateral (Es hermano/a de)

Napoleón III (1808-1873, emperador de Francia)  - Collateral (Es tio/a de)

Bonaparte, Carlota Napoleona (1802-1839)  - Progenitor (Es padre de)

Bonaparte, Zenaida (1801-1854)  - Progenitor (Es padre de)

See successors

External Links

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Portal de la Guerra de la Independencia Española, micrositio de PARES

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