Person - Howard, Leslie (1893-1943)

Howard, Leslie (1893-1943)




Preferred form:

Howard, Leslie (1893-1943)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

1893-04-03 - 1943-06-01


British producer and actor. Known for participating in the film "Gone with the Wind" (1939) as Ashley Wilkes.

He started his professional acting career in the short film "The Heroine of Mons" (1914), after which he participated in several theatre plays, enjoying great success in Broadway with plays such as "Aren't We All?" (1923) and "Outward Bound" (1924). In 1930 he participated in the film "Outward Bound", based on the theatre play in which he had previously participated. Later, in 1936, he developed a close friendship with Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957) while they both were participating in the film "The Petrified Forest" (1936). Soon after working in "Gone with the Wind" in 1939, he decided to support the war effort by filming and acting in several propaganda films. Other works in which he has participated are "Smilin' Through" (1932), "British Agent" (1934) and 'Pimpernel' Smith (1941).

World War, 1939-1945

Date of the event: 1939 - 1945



Profesión (Es realizada por):


Profesión (Es realizada por):

Productores de cine




Related Authorities

Cukor, George (1899-1983)  ( Es aprendiz (de un oficio) de/ es alumno de/ trabaja con )

Associative relations :

Fleming, Victor (1889-1949)  ( Es aprendiz (de un oficio) de/ es alumno de/ trabaja con )

Gable, Clark (1901-1960)  ( Es aprendiz (de un oficio) de/ es alumno de/ trabaja con )

Havilland, Olivia de (1916-2020)  ( Colabora con )

Leigh, Vivien (1913-1967)  ( Es aprendiz (de un oficio) de/ es alumno de/ trabaja con )

Wood, Sam (1883-1949)  ( Es aprendiz (de un oficio) de/ es alumno de/ trabaja con )

External Links

Recurso web:


Catálogo de Autoridades:


Fichero de Autoridades:

Biblioteca Nacional de España


Producer of:

  • No Units of Description associated.